星际娱乐app的外科服务团队与您合作, your primary care provider, 和其他专家一起确保最好的健康结果和护理体验. 在先进技术的支持下,以快速恢复为目标, 星际娱乐app的手术团队随时准备帮助您实现或保持最佳健康. Our surgical services include:
普通外科医生的核心知识包括解剖学, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, shock and resuscitation, intensive care, and neoplasia, which are common to all surgical specialties. 普通外科医生具有与诊断相关的专业知识和经验, preoperative, operative, and postoperative management, including the management of complications, in nine primary components of surgery, 所有这些都是培养一个基础广泛的外科医生所必需的.
球囊鼻窦成形术是一种鼻内窥镜手术,使用小球囊导管对大鼻窦进行充气和引流. 球囊鼻窦成形术通常用于治疗严重的鼻窦炎或鼻窦炎症和鼻塞. The procedure was adapted from angioplasty, 球囊导管用于扩张心脏附近受损或充血的血管. This procedure requires no cutting and no removal of bone and tissue.
耳鼻喉科医生是在耳部疾病和失调患者的医疗和外科管理和治疗方面受过培训的医生, nose, throat (ENT), and related structures of the head and neck. 他们通常被称为耳鼻喉科医生.
耳鼻喉科医生诊断和治疗鼻窦疾病, larynx (voice box), oral cavity, and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face, 以及儿童和成人的许多耳鼻喉科初级保健问题.
内窥镜检查是使用内窥镜检查中空器官或身体腔体的内部. 与许多其他医学成像技术不同,内窥镜是直接插入器官的. There are many types of endoscopes, 但星际娱乐app最常见的手术包括结肠镜检查, upper GI, flexible sigmoidoscopy, and the endoscopic ultrasound.
白内障手术是一种移除眼睛晶状体的手术, in most cases, replace it with an artificial lens. Normally, the lens of your eye is clear. 白内障会导致晶状体混浊,最终影响视力. 白内障手术后,你的视力会在几天内开始好转. 一开始你的视力可能会模糊,因为你的眼睛正在愈合和调整.
妇产科医生(OB/GYN)是拥有特殊知识的医生, 女性生殖系统及相关疾病的医学和外科护理技能和专业能力, 因此,它使他们与其他医生区别开来,使他们能够担任其他医生的顾问和妇女的初级医生. 常见的手术包括宫颈冷冻手术、宫颈扩张和宫颈刮除术(D&C), hysteroscopy, and pelvic laparoscopy.
骨科医生治疗肌肉骨骼系统的问题,包括诊断你的损伤或疾病, 提供治疗计划和教育,以防止伤害或减缓疾病的进展, and providing surgical solutions. 而骨科医生熟悉肌肉骨骼系统的各个方面, many orthopedists specialize in certain areas, such as the foot and ankle, spine, shoulder, hand, hip or knee.
足病医生是足病医学博士(DPM)。, 也被称为足部内科医生或外科医生, 有资格诊断和治疗影响足部的疾病, 脚踝及腿部相关结构(下肢).
A DPM is a specialist in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of lower extremity disorders, diseases and injuries. A podiatric physician works independently, 利用x射线和实验室测试进行诊断, prescribes medications, orders physical therapy, sets fractures, and performs surgery. As part of a healthcare team, DPM与其他卫生专业人员密切合作,治疗和控制疾病.
血管外科包括诊断和全面, 动脉疾病的纵向管理, venous, and lymphatic systems, 不包括颅内和冠状动脉. 当患者患有血管疾病,不能通过微创治疗时,需要进行血管手术, nonsurgical treatments. 血管外科的目的是治疗血管疾病, which are diseases of the arteries and veins. 动脉疾病是一种血液凝结, arteriosclerosis, 其他血管疾病发生在动脉中. 静脉疾病包括发生在静脉的问题. 有些血管疾病只发生在动脉中, others occur only in the veins, and some affect both veins and arteries.